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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Regnum the Fall

Please enjoy this power point that describes why I think we should play this game.

The group I game with on Friday's is voting on our next campaign we will be playing for the next year. Each of us wishing to be a GM for the group will be posting our idea here as a new post. I have wanted to explore an idea for a new world. To those in the game, please post a comment. Don't vote yet, rather post a character you would like to play in my campaign. I have a fairly flushed out OP campaign site that should help answer most questions.

So I would like to introduce:


Jayson said...

I am VERY excited for this campaign!

I have always had an affinity for playing Dwarven characters. Although, Regnum has many great new races. Furthermore, its prevalence of magic is really compelling. In normal Palladium Fantasy Dwarves are forbidden to study magic. Is this the case in Regnum? If so, I might stray from my dwarvish path...but not too far.

AZ RUNE said...

There are Dwarven wizards, diabolists, alchemists, rune-makers, and two bio-wizards, seven runesmiths (and every former king that practiced magic in the last 10000 years upon his death bed has been reborn as a living rune weapon).

Yeah, they got a bit of magic. :-)

Jayson said...

There is very much a feel of the newer version of Thundercats in Regnum without leaving that overall feel of high fantasy. I am amazed with all the content. The site feels like a loaded shotgun ready for anyone to just pull the trigger. After reading all the races, I have about 3 or 4 ideas for some characters.

Jayson said...

Tadje Kul'kumoran & Yin-Fae

Either a Gosai or Human:Galvan (of unknown ancestry)


Owns an apparatus that allows him to blow fire from his mouth and hands. Cannisters of oil are concealed beneath his loose fitting robes. Metal tubes wrapped in leather run from the cannisters along his body to ports in his wrists. The ends have an injecter nozzle controlled by elevating his wrist. The pressure in the cannisters creates a fine mist that is highly flammable. Special flint-like braziers allow Tadje to light the mist. Tadje is also proficient in breathing fire by injecting the oil in his mouth, then mistifying it with his lips, similar to the nozzle. The apparatus gains pressure from accordion-like bellow valves in the heel of his boots. Gauges and release valves prevent over pressurization.

Tadje's most prized possession is an enchanted rope that duals as a staff. The rope has a special link and bond with Tadje. The rope told Tadje its name is Yin-Fae. The rope contains a spirit possibly a djinn. By saying certain commands the rope can do certain tricks. The rope is indestructible and fire proof, even magic flame cannot burn it. Some of the tricks are that it can entangle victims, become rigid (like a wooden staff), extend to 100 times its length, constrict an entagled victim, wrap around a body to provide natural armor, stand straight up, and other tricks as well. Tadje does not know the full extent of its powers, but is learning more everyday.

Tadje is something of a street urchin and a rogue. He has had a rough childhood not knowing his parents. He has lived on his own for most of his life. He would do anything to make a name for himself and changes his stars. When he found the magic rope he know destiny had shone brightly on him that day. He stole the rope from the previous owner. The rope sort of has a mind of its own with a full personality. Tadje believes the previous owner mistreated the rope. This is one of the reasons why he stole it. Tadje sees that it was not stole, but rather it was "set free". Tadje treats the rope like an equal. While he travels, the rope sits on his shoulder as if it were a pet. The rope is very playful with Tadje, but has an agressive personality to any stranger, especially those of evil alignment.

While Tadje is very streetwise, he is not always a good judge of character. He is a little to quick to befriend a stranger. The rope is quite the opposite.

killervp said...

So thinking about a Shirn Sai- because a cat-person martial artist is cool....

Jayson said...

Not just a cat-person martial artist, but a buddhist enlightenist atheist that could create a Sword of Omens BEST IN THE REALM to boot! He be cool cat.

AZ RUNE said...

I will finish the other martial art forms now that I know we might have a Sai in the group. There is only one Empire left for me to fill data in on and I will then get back to adding martial art forms.

AZ RUNE said...

I just started watching Thundercats based on your comment and I can totally see it. They just met Panthro in the episode I am on.

AZ RUNE said...

Great now I have horribly racial, stereotypical image of Big Willie Dynamite in my head as a black panther dress as Sho'Nuff screaming, "Wer all da pussy at!?@!"