Arbolite the furry lizard
Description: A
two legged upright warm blooded lizard with a colorful coat (reds and oranges)
that trails down a large portion of its scaly back. They stand about 9 feet
tall and 4 feet wide. Their usual tone of skin is brown and green hues with
blue and purple or brown and green highlights around the eyes and lips. They
have razor sharp teeth, claws and talons. These creatures are known for being
excellent hunters and jumpers.
Anarchist but can be manipulated (trained in a gentler behavior)
The Eight Attributes:
I.Q.: 2D8, M.E.: 3D6, M.A.: 3D6, P.S.: 3D6, P.P.: 4D6 (very dangerous!), P.E.:
3D6, P.B.: 1D8, Spd.: 3D6+20
Hit Points: 3D6
S.D.C.: 45
Natural A.R.: 12 (thick select fur and skin)
Horror Factor: 8
P.P.E.: 2D6
I.S.P.: 1D6
Natural Abilities:
Sense heat and great sense of smell +20% track human if the target is within a
mile (two if downwind). As a pack animal these creatures use a series of clicks
with their tongues to communicate and orchestrate a fantastic attack. Their
natural jump is 15 feet vertically and 20 feet horizontal. Their eyes are built
to give them a keen night vision (1000 feet) and the pads on their feet allow
for a almost no slip climb (75% climb)
Attacks per Melee:
- Bite: 3D6
- Fore Claw: 1D6
- Foot Claw: 3D6
- Head butt: 2D6 +PS bonus
Bonuses: +3 to
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Value: Alive: 1200; 2000 trained. Fur: 600, Meat: 0 to 100 (extremely sweet but smells to high heaven)
Average Life Span:
20 years, 8 month gestation, live birth (generally one).
Habitat: This
warm blooded creature can be found in forests and plains near foothills.
Generally they are used as pack animals or riding beasts by orcs, goblins or
hobgoblins; some have even been seen with ogres.
Range: These
creatures are found in almost everywhere there is a mountain range or foothills.
They depend on the hills for hiding their nests though the nest tends to
attract bees and insects that love nectar.
Size: 9 feet plus
1D6 inches for every 5 years of age.
Weight: 500 lbs.
plus 3D10 lbs. for every 5 years of age.
Life Expectancy: 40 years though most do not live
past 20 in the wilderness.
Notes: In their
natural habitat these creatures are vicious killers and hunters but this
creature respect a challenge and will follow the commands of those that break
them without question. Over time the creature show devout loyalty and will
attack those that would attack their new master. On another note, the creature
has a keen sense of smell and will sniff out fruit, sugar (candy) or honey that
generally can be safely consumed by humanoids within a one mile radius.