So here is my house rules for a MDC world that I think
others will enjoy. My inspiration comes from an SDC game that I am playing
about a Palladium Fantasy parallel world called Regnum. Our house rule have me
the inspiration (so thank you Brian and Jayson) to figure out how to enjoy MDC.
In the rules of the original print of Rifts there were rules
for being bumped around but they were so vague and convoluted that most players
don’t use them; can't blame them. It was a situation that if you were in MDC
of any kind you were invulnerable. MDC had to be destroyed before you got the
soft insides. For MDC creatures they were immune to stun, bleeding profusely,
basically a need to run because you could heal quickly and run away scathed but
not without rapid healing; ridiculous.
I have a ton of Rifts books but have never played Rifts
because MDC pissed me off (and if you are wondering just how many Rifts books I
have, I would say I have almost all of them, really, I am short about 10 of the
total). So I have stewed on the idea and finally I think I have come up with a resolution
for those Rifts gamers that don’t want to convert the whole game so that they
can even play or give it a armor rating for each thing.
Rules for the Living
Say you have a dragon with a butt load of MDC, well how do
you make them fear you? My rules would be if a player is able to roll a natural
20 or modified 24, the player has hit the spot that not only have they done
double damage but now bleeding damage has occurred (-10% of the total damage
coming from the wound). The alternative is that if they hit a limb that it is
severely injured (that means flying is slowed by 20%, running is cut to half or
their arm has lost half strength and is -2 to strike, parry and dodge with all
bonuses lost till the (any of them) limb is healed).
Now this didn't seem like much but it I am not looking to
cripple the game just give it flavor. I mean Kevin gave such flavor to vampires
and their rules (look at Rifts World 2: Vampire Kingdoms, the revised version (told you I had a lot of
Rules for the Machine

So yea now you know. You do the double damage but now the
heroes and villains will have a reason to retreat from combat for something
other than being down to your last 10 MDC. Enjoy.
Images are from from two of the books published by Palladium drawn and colored by Kevin Long.
Images are from from two of the books published by Palladium drawn and colored by Kevin Long.